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PR crisis management

Expert guidance and advice on dealing with the media where a claim has the potential to result in adverse press attention. We’ll evaluate the situation and provide the necessary guidance and personal support.

Our PR partner, is experienced in providing crisis management assistance to a wide range of organisations from within both the commercial and voluntary sectors.

Certain claims can increase the threat of potentially damaging press coverage for an organisation. Through our qualified partner, we can:

  • provide expert guidance and advice on dealing with the media in the event of a crisis
  • support to help manage the situation through the process should this prove necessary.

Who is it for?*

PR crisis management is available exclusively to businesses that have insurance with the following policy sections: directors and officers, management liability, executive liability, and entity defence. For social welfare, community groups, and not-for-profit management liability policyholders, PR crisis management is also available with general liability and professional liability.

How do I access it?

Policyholders should refer to their policy documentation and any communications from their insurer or broker for confirmation of the services provided and details on how to access them. For further information or to enquire about additional services, policyholders are encouraged to contact their broker.

*Please refer to your policy for exact services included. Learn more.

Case Study

PR crisis following misappropriation of charity funds

A reporter from a local newspaper approached the charity for comments following a tip-off that a trustee had misappropriated in excess of £80,000 over a three-year period. The PR crisis management team assisted the charity in preparing a statement to the press as well as a strategic plan to address the reputational damage.