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eRiskHub Cyber risk management toolkit

Cyber risk management toolkit: when a breach event occurs, time is of the essence.

man and woman wearing glasses looking at a computer screen

With a good response plan in place and access to highly skilled third-party resources, an organisation can more efficiently and cost-effectively respond to and recover from a data breach. The eRiskHub® portal, powered by NetDiligence®, is an effective way to help you combat cyber losses with minimal, controlled and predictable costs. eRiskHub® provides MarkelTech policyholders with a go-to resource for all things cyber, helping you to shore up your defences and respond effectively to data breaches, network attacks and other cyber events.

Knowing that a breach is almost inevitable—and with potentially catastrophic consequences - access to the eRiskHub® provides essential training and processes to support you and your business, ensuring you have the right knowledge, skills and practises to reduce the risk of cyber-crime.

The eRiskHub® provides:

  • Breach Planning – suggesting steps to take following an incident
  • News centre – including security and compliance blogs, risks management events and industry links
  • Learning center – including whitepapers and webinars
  • Risk Manager Tools – assists you in managing your cyber risks and includes free self assesments and cost calculators

Who is it for?*

Accessible online, MarkelTech’s eRiskHub provides a variety of tools to support technology businesses in proactively implementing their cyber training and reducing their cyber risk exposures. These include ransomware stress tests, threat intelligence, remote working policies and mock breach exercises.

How do I access it?

MarkelTech UK policyholders can access the eRiskHub using the access code in their Benefit Activation pack. Details of how to register can be found in your policy documentation.

*Please refer to your policy for exact services included. Learn more.