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Collateral warranty review

Avoid legal bills with our fast and efficient collateral warranty review service.

A collateral warranty creates a contractual relationship between two parties where none would otherwise exist. It is usually for the benefit of someone who has an interest in the proper performance of the contract, commonly used where contractors, sub-contractors, or consultants are involved.

The primary party, often a developer, uses collateral warranties to limit their exposure to future allegations of liability.

Consultants, contractors, and subcontractors need to be careful about any collateral warranty they are asked to sign.

These documents must be appropriate, act in the best interests of their business, and don’t open up to more liability on top of their business responsibilities.

Our warranty review can benefit your business in the following ways:

  • A thought-out contract
  • No fees for the review
  • Ensures contract liabilities are contained within Markel UK insurance cover

Who is it for?*

Businesses that are operating in the construction, engineering, design and build, and surveyor sectors can use our collateral warranty service to ensure the collateral warranty they’re being asked to sign is appropriate, acts in the best interests of their business, and doesn’t open up to more liability on top of their business responsibilities.

How do I access it?

Construction policyholders along with engineers, design and build, and surveyor policyholders wanting to use this service can contact Markel by email: or by post:

Collateral Warranty Review Service
City Square House
11 Wellington Street

Please provide the policyholder’s name, certificate number, contact details, and a copy of the warranty to be reviewed. Markel Law will review the submitted warranty and respond within seven working days, although those submitted by post may take longer.

*Please refer to your policy for exact services included. Learn more.

Case Study

Restaurant construction

An employer has engaged with a developer to work on the new construction of his restaurant. The developer works with a contractor who is in charge of the construction, design and build of the new development. In this situation, the employer has no relationship with the contractor as this is managed by the developer, meaning the employer has no protection against losses if the contractor makes a mistake during the design or construction element of the development.

Having a collateral warranty review ensures contractual fails fall on the contractor in the event of the restaurant not being built to the required standards.