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Contractor solutions

Contracting issues, self-employed status, IR35 and CIS can cause problems if not handled correctly. With our team of specialists, Markel Tax can help clients to remain fully compliant.

  • Over 20 years’ experience defending disputes
  • Since being the first to win IR35 at Tribunal in 2002, we have successfully defended more contractors at Tribunal on IR35 status than any other UK consultancy
  • One of the UK’s leading tax consultancy providers and ‘A’-rated insurer

We provide representation for:


We provide certainty of IR35 status and the security of insurance protection from the costs of tax liabilities and HMRC enquiries.

Construction industry (CIS)

We deliver practical advice to Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) clients.

Employment status protection

We can assess subcontractor employment status, and provide insured solutions to safeguard a business against an HMRC challenge.

Umbrella compliance

We provide practical and clear-cut advice; whether you are thinking about starting up a new umbrella company, have an HMRC enquiry, or simply want a sounding board for current compliance issues.
Let's talk

Does your current consultancy partner offer you market-leading solutions? If not, let’s talk. 

Meet the team

Headshot of Tyra Ali

Tyra Ali

Consultancy Manager

Headshot of Danny Batey

Danny Batey

Senior Consultant

Headshot of David Harmer

David Harmer

Director of Contractor Solutions

Headshot of Georgina Hiles

Georgina Hiles

Senior Consultant

Headshot of Nikola Nowak

Nikola Nowak


Headshot of Alex Seal

Alex Seal


From the Cover