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Insurance Times: Insurtech UK calls for more clarity on new advisory panel for R&D

This Insurance Times article by Clare Ruel, Justine Dignam, director of incentives and reliefs at Markel Tax, expresses her concerns about the recent changes to the government’s R&D tax credit scheme.

The scheme is now more complex and the relief available to SMEs reduced given that companies of all sizes are now effectively entitled to the same level of relief for their investment in R&D. Justine emphasises the potential impact of these changes on R&D claims for brokers, highlighting the implications for businesses seeking relief under the revised R&D tax credit regime.

With HMRC now geared up to more scrutiny of submissions, those looking to claim relief need, more than ever, the support of a capable tax partner to avoid any unwanted complications down the line.

You can read the full article here.

Find out more about Markel’s R&D offering.