Markel Tax
Senior Tax Advisor
Paul joined Markel in 2022 after having worked for a short period as a Financial Crime Investigator for a well-known internet bank, where he gained detailed and valuable experience of money laundering, scam and fraud typologies.
Having previously spent 39 years working for Inland Revenue and HMRC in a wide range of roles, Paul has a detailed knowledge of debt management and enforcement procedures, PAYE/NIC and other employer duties issues, and of CIS and IR35.
More recently, Paul was based in Large and Complex and then in Mid-sized Businesses. His service as a HM Inspector of Taxes managing cross-tax interventions into the largest owner-managed businesses saw him amass a broad understanding of Income Tax, Corporation Tax and most other direct taxes from both legislative and practical viewpoints.
Paul also has expertise in the legal framework of taxation, having regularly represented Inland Revenue and HMRC in the Magistrates, County and High Courts, as well as before the General Commissioners and the First-tier Tax Tribunal.